How to make a complaint and an explanation of the process.
We will always aim to support you in accordance with your wishes and needs. Sometimes we may make a mistake, but if we do we'll do our best to put things right quickly and without fuss. If you are unhappy with the way we have handled your support let us know. We have a procedure designed to resolve your complaint fairly for you. We aim to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction within 8 weeks. As part of our commitment to providing you with a high standard of service, this leaflet explains our complaints procedure, lets you know what you need to do at each stage, and tells you what you can expect from us in return.
You should talk to the worker concerned, or a colleague, if you feel able to, and try to resolve the issue at this stage.
If you feel the matter has not been resolved satisfactorily, contact the office. If you write to us we will acknowledge your letter within 10 working days and provide a written response no later than 4 weeks after receiving the complete details.
If you continue to feel the matter has not been resolved satisfactorily, write to the Chair of the charity at the address below. We will acknowledge your letter within 10 working days and provide a written response no later than 4 weeks after receiving the complete details.
If you continue to feel dissatisfied you can ask for the matter to be referred to an Independent Adviser overseen by a member of our board of trustees. To do this you must respond to the letter from the Chair within 10 working days. The Independent Adviser will contact you within 10 working days.
Our complaints procedure will end when a Final Response letter is sent to you, or you have ceased to repond within the given timescales.
Group Five, First Floor, Ashton Mills, Trowbridge BA14 7BB